Curriculum Resources
Curriculum Resources
Governor Kay Ivey signed Senate Bill 48 during the spring 2024 Alabama Legislative Session. This law requires a list of classroom curricula to be posted on school websites. Curriculum can be defined in two ways—the standards that are taught in a course and the print or digital materials used as an instructional resource to teach the course.
Standards for all courses can be found on the Alabama Learning Exchange website at https://alex.alsde.edu/. Click on the Standards dropdown menu at the top of the page and select an area to review in the major categories. Standards for specific grade levels or courses can be selected and viewed after selecting from the dropdown menu.
Current curriculum materials that have been adopted by the Clarke County Board of Education can be found by clicking on the link below. These materials are tools for instruction by the teacher and learning by the student. By request, a list of any additional resources not listed in classroom syllabi or newsletters can be shared with parents.
- Curriculum Resources
Reading Resources for Parents
Clarke County Harassment/Bullying Complaint Form