•  Welcome to Grove Hill Elementary School!  We are pleased that you are part of our school and community.  We believe we have a great school, and know that you will too.  It is our goal to highlight areas in this handbook that will be helpful to you as a parent and your child as a student.  We feel that if procedures, policies and expectations are communicated, it provides a better understanding of the learning environment of your child.

    We count on you and all of our students to help make our school the best that it can be.  Students at Grove Hill Elementary School accomplish this goal in many ways.  Students work hard each day to develop good study habits and come to class with books and materials ready to work.  Finally, we want our students at Grove Hill Elementary School to accept personal responsibility for learning. Our school is a “community of learners” and we want everyone to be a part of the learning process.

    Our school is part of the community and our students accept the responsibility of a good citizen by helping to keep the building and the grounds clean and protecting school property.  Be proud of your school and help to keep it clean at all times.

    Grove Hill Elementary's School day begins at 7:50 A.M. and ends at 3:00 P.M.  An Grove Hill After School Adventure is provided for students (Kindergarten- eighth  grade) from dismissal time until 5:30 P.M. The primary goals of this program are to better utilize school facilities for the benefit of the community served, to provide highly certified personnel who assist students with academic goals, and to assist families with family literacy issues in order to help strengthen the parental involvement program.

    Grove Hill Elementary School's students attend school for 187 days and receive a daily minimum of 360 minutes of instruction based on state-adopted curriculum. Music, guidance, and physical education are built into the schedule to allow for teacher planning.