
"To sit and dream, to sit and read,
To sit and learn about the world" ~Langston Hughes~"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
~ Joseph Addison ~Welcome to the Jackson Middle School Library Media Center!
Reading goals have been set for the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders based upon their first STAR tests. These goals are a required part of Mrs. Todd's Reading classes. Ms. Bryant's 6th and 8th Grade English/Language Arts classes have separate guidelines.
JMS students are prohibited from taking AR tests at other schools. JMS students are only allowed to take AR test on books from JMS Media Center or a JMS teacher's classroom library UNLESS approved by their teacher or Mrs. Sullivan. Students are not allowed to use AR books, CliffsNotes, or notes to find the answers to an AR test.
JMS Library Media Center Rules and Policies
Individual Student Use
The Library Media Center (LMC) is open for student use during school hours: 7:50 a.m. -2:40 p.m.
Students must have a signed and dated LMC pass from their current classroom teacher.Check Out
Students may check out three books for a three-week period.
Students may not check out items if they have overdue book(s) or owe for an overdue book.
Computer and Internet Use
The LMC has computers and a networked printer available for student use. Students may use these computers for research, word processing, desktop publishing, and multimedia productions.
Access to the computers and internet services are is given to students who agrees to act in a considerate and responsible manner.
To use the internet for school related use, a student must have an Internet AUSP form on file indicating that both the student and parent have read and understood the school system's Internet guidelines and the parent has given the student permission to be online.
Articles, portions of articles, or information from any of the networked resources may be printed in the LMC. The amount to be printed is limited, and as every program prints differently, be very careful when using the print command.
Care for Books and MaterialsAll students are expected to treat the LMC with care.
Students are responsible for the books that they check out. Students should not loan the books to their friends and are not allowed to check out books for anyone else.
Students who damage books may be charged a replacement fee for the book.
Behavior While in Library
Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the LMC, which includes gum, candy, sunflower seeds, water, and sodas.
Students should enter the LMC quietly and read, study, and work quietly while in the LMC.Assistance
Remember the LMC staff is here to help you in the LMC, do not hesitate to ask!
Alabama Virtual Library
The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources are available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state.