• The school nurses in Clarke County Schools support student success through interventions that improve student health and impact academic achievement.  They develop emergency care plans for students in life-threatening situations (e.g., bee stings, peanut allergies, and insulin reaction), and develop Individual Health Plans (IHPs) for medically fragile students.  The nurses also care for students who become ill or injured at school.

    School nurses conduct health assessments for students being evaluated for special education's Individual Educational Plans (IEPs), helping to ensure inclusion of students with disabilities and significant and/or multiple impairments.  They provide input and train school staffs regarding  child abuse, hazardous materials, and bloodborne pathogens.

    School nurses are responsible for on-site vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening.  They contribute to Section 504 accommodation plans that allow students with substantial disabilities to have equal access to education.  School nurses act as an on-site public health investigator who works to prevent communicable diseases and respond to disease outbreaks.