Federal Programs
Welcome to the Clarke County Schools Federal Programs Department. This department provides support to the district schools, teachers, and students through programs funded by Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV, Title V, Title VI and Title X. We believe our programs, combined with skilled and supportive program staff members, are helping the district achieve both its vision of providing excellence and equity for all and its mission of developing productive members of a diverse and changing society.
SIR Report
The Student Incident Report (SIR) is located at the Clarke County Board of Education.If you would like to view the report or if you have any questions concerning the report, please contactGwen O. Powell, Federal Programs Director, at 251-250-2155 or 251-769-6003.
Federal Programs Director
Mrs. Gwen O. Powell
251.250.2155 Ext. 4234
gpowell@clarkecountyschools.orgMrs. Angela Gilchrist - Bookkeeper
251.250.2155 Ext. 4236